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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 9, 2014, Page No: 132-139

The Perspecives of Using Balanced Scorecard in Intangibles Measurement and Management in Albania

Marsel Sulanjaku 1

1. Lecturer at "A.Xhuvani" University Faculty of Economic, Elbasan

Citation : Marsel Sulanjaku, The Perspecives of Using Balanced Scorecard in Intangibles Measurement and Management in Albania International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(9) : 132-139


In the new age economy , the company value and competition is shifting from traditional products composed of inputs such as raw materials and labor to new and innovative products such as brand name, patents, know how etc. These innovative products are based mainly on intangible assets such as knowledge, skills, experience and other supportive facilities. The internal and external users cannot obtain similar information regarding the knowledge based products from the standard financial statements, because the accounting standards are not designed to have in their focus the intangible assets, and as a consequence the information regarding the intangibles is "lost" in income table as expense.

In the function of measurement and management of intangibles several models have been developed. These models are divided in two main groups, monetary and non-monetary based models. These models can provide to the internal and external users more accurate information regarding the value and the management of intangible assets.

The purpose of this research paper is to analyze one of the most popular models that is part of nonmonetary group of intangible measurement and management models, the balanced scorecard model , and it's perspectives to be used from the Albanian companies , especially for internal reporting.

The methodology used in the preparation of this paper will be that of the utilizing the foreign and national literature, and the utilization of interviews with selected business management in Albania that are interested in intangible asset management and other related parties to fulfill the questions raised by this research

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