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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 9, 2014, Page No: 89-94

Trainee Programmes: a Tried and Tested Tool in Talent Management

Norbert Thom 1

1. Institute for Organization and Human Resource Management University of Bern Bern, Switzerland

Citation : Norbert Thom, Trainee Programmes: a Tried and Tested Tool in Talent Management International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(9) : 89-94


Utterly important, but badly handled - this, studies suggest, is how talent management is perceived by HR specialists around the world. So-called "trainee" or "graduate programmes" - on-the-job training programmes for university graduates - offer an excellent remedy here, but so far have received surprisingly scant attention outside German-speaking Europe. Drawing on many years of research and close relations with HR practitioners, the author hopes with the present paper to stimulate an interest in such programmes among HR specialists around the globe, and to provide an overview of the essential dos and don'ts in implementing them

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