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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 7, 2014, Page No: 160-166

Advertising and Social Concern: A Perceptual Analysis of Youth

Prof. Neetu Andotra 1, Ms. Charandeep Handa Sudan 2

1.Department of Commerce University of Jammu Jammu
2.Lecturer in Commerce School Board of Education J&K

Citation : Prof. Neetu Andotra, Ms. Charandeep Handa Sudan, Advertising and Social Concern: A Perceptual Analysis of Youth International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(7) : 160-166


Advertising as a part of communications mix, has positive value by providing information, entertainment, generate employment and stimulates growth in economy. It has also been accused of being pervasive, intrusive, economic waste, cynicism, debased language, envy, disrespect for tradition and authority, an obsession with sex and stereotyping. The paper focuses on measuring youth perception with regard to social awareness and community expenditure, social utility and unfavourable impact of advertising. Data was collected from 300 university students visiting 6 canteens namely, University cafeteria, Eat point, YP canteen, Renuka's, Nescafe and Raina canteen in the campus of university of Jammu,Jammu. Mean values indicates that students view social aspect of advertising favourably. Mean value of utility of advertising and unfavourable impact of advertising varies according to demographic profile of students. The result suggests use of socially acceptable advertising by involving diverse social norms and keeping in view the expectations and perceptions of the youth in designing their advertising campaigns. Rational buying motives be popularised in ad copy than evolving materialism, manipulation, exaggeration, use of sexual themes and fear appeals etc. Any claims made in advertisements should be adequately substantiated in order to avoid misleading promotion

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