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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Page No: 50-58

The Right Man on the Right Job: Does the Local Regulation Support it? The Empirical Evidence from Central Java, Indonesia

Retno Mawarini Sukmariningsih 1

1.Faculty of Law, University of 17 Agustus 1945 (UNTAG), Semarang, Indonesia

Citation : Retno Mawarini Sukmariningsih, The Right Man on the Right Job: Does the Local Regulation Support it? The Empirical Evidence from Central Java, Indonesia International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(3) : 50-58


The implementation of decentralization reflects demands for many local governments in Indonesia as freedom from a previously centralized system. The public trust in government had been declined across the country. For instance, the inefficient bureaucracy has contributed to degradation in local investments. It, of course, is necessary to create local regulations which reflect local aspirations.

The objective of this study is to describe and explain the local law that regulates a charging position as well as formulates a strategy for the establishment of regulations in accordance with local needs and conditions. For answering in an objective way, I utilized empirical data and interviews analyzed with the normative approach.

The research verified that the most of local governments in Central Java Province had have a set of requirements local regulations, material contents, mechanisms and procedures related to the local needs and conditions. However, the law reduces possibility the problem of filling the structural positions, and produce professionalism officers within the capacity to realize the good governance

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