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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Page No: 7-19

The Attitudes of Employers and Co-Workers towards the Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Zimbabwe

Mapuranga Barbra 1, Phillipa Mutswanga 2

1.Zimbabwe Open University, Marondera, Zimbabwe
2.Zimbabwe Open University, National Centre,Mount Pleasant, Harare

Citation : Mapuranga Barbra, Phillipa Mutswanga, The Attitudes of Employers and Co-Workers towards the Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Zimbabwe International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(3) : 7-19


This study was a systemic enquiry into attitudes of employers and co-workers towards employees with disabilities in the community of Chitungwiza in Zimbabwe. A qualitative case study method was used to carry out this study. The purposive sampling method was used to select thirty (30) participants into the study. A sample of ten (10) employers, ten (10) co-workers and ten (10) employees with disabilities were chosen as the subjects. The interview and observation were used to generate data. Among other findings, the major findings in this study were that employees with disabilities were discriminated in the workplace. Co-workers perceived PWDs as generally incompetent as they would need the assistance of fellow workers to accomplish tasks while employers were of the view that some of these PWDS scare away customers while some are dependent on fellow workers for the accomplishment of tasks. The same employers perceived most PWDS as lacking knowledge and having poor qualifications rendering them unemployable. Co-workers felt that employees with disabilities need maximum supervision and needed to be assigned special tasks suitable to their conditions. From these findings, it was recommended that coworkers needed to change their attitude towards employees with disabilities. The Ministry of Labour needs to establish incentive packages for companies that employ persons with disabilities to encourage employment of more persons with disabilities. Such incentive packages can be in the form of exemption of tax payment by such companies. The Ministry can implement such programmes like the quota system and the levy and grants system like what happens in the developed countries. The Ministry can also strengthen and activate laws that will act against discrimination and marginalisation of person with disabilities. Advocacy through disability movements be encouraged by all sectors of the economy. This will encourage implementation of reforms instituted by the responsible ministry or ministries

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