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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 3, 2014, Page No: 1-6

Effective Peer-learning Model for Students Using Neural Network

Akshay Goel 1, Saurabh Shrivastava 1, Hari Shankar Shashvat 1

1.MBA Student IIM Calcutta, India

Citation : Akshay Goel, Saurabh Shrivastava, Hari Shankar Shashvat, Effective Peer-learning Model for Students Using Neural Network International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(3) : 1-6


In the face of the challenge of the dynamics of change, the requirements and the expectations from the professionals in the corporate world have changed drastically resulting in a huge requirement from schools to equip students with necessary skills, tools and techniques to enable them to be successful in life as well as in corporate world.

Peer learning offers huge value-add to education received from classroom pedagogy. Considering the importance of peer-groups, they should not be left to function arbitrarilyby placing students in random groups and asking them to 'work together'. A proper strategy can help to make this peer-learning most fruitful and meaningful.

In this paper, an effective strategy for efficient peer-learning is discussed with the help of example using neural network model. This paper proposes classification of various subjects under curriculum on the basis of skill set required by the students and forming peer-groups incorporating those diverse skills. The findings of the paper are quite relevant and motivating foreducational institutions which aspire to produce successful future leaders in their respective fields

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