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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 11, 2014, Page No: 70-79

Implications of Mortgage Financing on Housing for All in Nigeria by the Year 2020

Nwankwo 1 2, Odi. PH.D, FCIB 1 2

1. Department of Banking and Finance, Kogi State University, Anyigba Kogi-Nigeria
2. Associate Professor of Finance and Affiliated to Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria

Citation : Nwankwo, Odi. PH.D, FCIB, Implications of Mortgage Financing on Housing for All in Nigeria by the Year 2020 International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(11) : 70-79


Housing sector plays a more critical role in a country's welfare than it is been always recognized, as it directly affects not only the well being of the citizenry but also the performance of other sectors of the economy. Adequate housing provision has since the 1970's engaged the attention of most developing countries including Nigeria because of its basic need to mankind, outside food and clothing. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of mortgage financing on housing for all in Nigeria by year 2020. The study adopted quantitative data and regression analysis for testing. It was revealed that mortgage credit, commercial bank credit and private sector investment has significant and positive effect on housing for all in Nigeria by the year 2020. It was recommended that the existing procedure for mortgage lending by commercial banks, mortgage banks and private investor be reviewed with the aim of making funds for property development accessible to prospective borrowers at cheaper rates; there should be new regime of mortgage finance policy aimed at bolstering public confidence in saving and investing in mortgage related instruments especially in the capital market. Mortgage finance houses should be more aggressive in mobilizing fund for the housing sector

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