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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 11, 2014, Page No: 47-56

Human Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Entrepreneurship to Enhance Competitive Advantage: Some Empirical Evidence

Dr. Andries J. du Plessis 1

1. Unitec New Zealand Department of Management and Marketing Unitec New Zealand Auckland, New Zealand

Citation : Dr. Andries J. du Plessis, Human Capital and Knowledge Sharing in Entrepreneurship to Enhance Competitive Advantage: Some Empirical Evidence International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(11) : 47-56


Theory exists that entrepreneurs are 'jacks-of-all-trades' who may not excel in any one skill, but are competent in many. Individuals with balanced skills appear to be more likely than others to become entrepreneurs. This paper focuses on the influence of human capital, knowledge sharing and the perceptions of entrepreneurs on entrepreneurship; entrepreneur's required skills and their contribution to the economy as was found in his study and reported on by Erasmus (2006). The data collected was sorted and categorised to determine respondent's skills needs with respect to areas such as negotiation, leadership, social skills, creativity, etc. In conclusion; certain skills are important in the make-up of entrepreneurship

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