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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2014, Page No: 13-17

Lead by Marketing Information & Strategies: "Leaders are not Born they are Made"

Megha Mathur 1

1.Assistant Professor. Institute of Marketing and Management. B 11 Qutab Institutional Area , New Delhi

Citation : Megha Mathur, Lead by Marketing Information & Strategies: "Leaders are not Born they are Made" International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2014 , 2(1) : 13-17


In a boundary less, world a right series of decisions and actions could mean the difference between survival and destruction. The new corporate mantra is lead by strategies and not lead by examples. Marketing is a domain through which an individual company can grow as well as can be destroyed. The basic problem which is being faced by the marketers is how to sell their product & fulfill the objective of business. In order to tackle this problem the marketing strategies plays a major role. Correct information should be given at correct time, However, the availability of new technologies and new developments in the media industry have created a demand for new kinds of experience, cultural knowledge and skills sets that marketers must be aware of if they wish to be the leaders. In order to understand the nerves of the consumers correct strategy is required to be followed. It's a general saying that "Leadership is an art, and then following is an art too".

Gaining leadership results in marking your presence in the eyes & minds of consumers as well as competitors. This paper is an endeavor towards awakening the marketers for concentrating and focusing on various marketing strategies which can helps them become the leader

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