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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research

Volume-12- Issue-10, 2024

The Vitality of Thick Data through Emotion AI in Successful Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Processes for Efficient Marketing Strategies in Sustainable Business and Organizational Operations
Dr.Anna Rostomyan, Dr.Lawrence Ibeh, Dr.Armen Rostomyan
Download | page No :1-15

The Financial Recovery of Microenterprises Four Years after Covid-19 in Mexico
Ligia Maria Bestard Alcantar, Ileana Vazquez Carrillo, Martin Ivan Martin Puc
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The Impact of Emotions in Decision-Making Processes in Global Business
Dr.Anna Rostomyan, Dr.Armen Rostomyan, Dr.Anabel Ternes
Download | page No :20-31