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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013, Page No: 34-36

HR Approaches to Talent Management

N Subbu Krishna Sastry 1

1.Professor, Survodaya First Grade College, Deviah Park Sreeramapuram, Bangalore, India

Citation : N Subbu Krishna Sastry, HR Approaches to Talent Management International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research 2013 , 1(2) : 34-36


A talent in an organization refers to the traits inherent in current employees and their valuable knowledge, skills and competencies. The talent management or succession is an ongoing process of analyzing, developing and effectively utilizing talent in an organization to the strategic business required needs of that environment. Talent Management for HR community is a priority of HR strategy for HR community and not only does the HR strategy support the HR community as its own professional group, but also it recognizes and will support the role of human resource professionals have to help their clients to become known committed and accountable public Information provider. By implementing the talent management as a process that is transparent and equitable it is expected to create an environment for people to develop their skills in preparation for a range of future possibilities there by preparing the work place changing role. The actual goal of this is to sketch the business needs of HR community with potential and career development needs of staff in order to develop a comprehensive "Talent Management Plan"

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