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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2018, Page No: 7-13

Study on the Reducibility and Mechanical Properties of Pellets Produced from Blends of Itakpe and Agbaja Iron Ore

Ocheri C1*, C.N. Mbah2, A.C. Mbah2

1.Dept. of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria.
2.Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Enugu State, Nigeria

Citation : Ocheri C, C.N. Mbah, A.C. Mbah, Study on the Reducibility and Mechanical Properties of Pellets Produced from Blends of Itakpe and Agbaja Iron Ore International Journal of Modern Studies in Mechanical Engineering 2018, 4(3) : 7-13


The study underscored the need to carry out intense research work in this area with a view to blending a high and low grade of iron ores to be used as burden in the blast furnace and Direct Reduced Iron (DRI). The burdens materials in the furnaces with the purpose of producing molten metals. The mechanical properties also reveal the behaviour of the blends through compressive strength results (both green and dry) , Drop Number, Drop Resistance, Green Compression , Dry Compression, Moisture Content, Tumbler Index Value, Abrasion Index, Micro porosity , Drop Number, Drop Resistance, Green Compression, Dry Compression, Moisture Content, Tumbler Index Value, Abrasion Index , Micro porosity and , it is also with a view to determining the blend ratio which gave the optimum indurating compressive strength. And finally the mechanical strength of the fired pellets were determined in order to arrive at the best blend ratio of both ores for the production of molten melts from the furnaces at Ajaokuta and the Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) process at the Delta Steel Company Limited, Aldaja which operates the Midrex process.

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