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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Mining Science
Volume 3, Issue 4, 2017, Page No: 81-88

Research on the Mechanism of Rock Burst Prediction by Drilling Cutting Method

Hu Shanchao1,Lu Aihong2,Li Ming3,Duan Tianzhu4,Chang Xiya5

1.School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, 221116Xuzhou, China.
2.State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, 221116, Xuzhou, China.
3.China Coal Technology Engineering Group Chong Qing Research Institute, 400039, Chongqing, China.

Citation :Hu Shanchao,, Research on the Mechanism of Rock Burst Prediction by Drilling Cutting Method International Journal of Mining Science 2017,3(4) : 81-88


In order to clarify the relationship between drilling cutting quantity and stress state, a theoretical analysis was first conducted on the stress state of the surrounding rock; then, in the similar test of drilling cutting quantity measurement with the drilling cutting method, a drilling rig was used to drill the similar test piece in the tunnel environment simulated with a self-made machine; finally, the relationship between the drilling cutting quantity and confining stress was obtained. Through the analysis of the result, the following conclusions were obtained. With the increase of confining pressure, the drilling cutting quantity of different stages increased with the drilling distance and reached the maximum in the 35cm-40cm stage; then it decreased compared with that of the 35cm-40cm stage; the total drilling cutting quantity increased with the confining pressure and its increase tendency was more obvious than the theoretical value, and the test value of the total drilling cutting quantity was greater than the theoretical value under the same confining pressure; the distance between the pipe sticking position and the starting point of drilling decreased with the increase of confining pressure. Thus, it indicated an obvious dynamic effect and a high probability of rock burst.

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