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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Mining Science
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2016, Page No: 33-38

Laboratory Investigation to Use Lost Circulation Material in Water Base Drilling Fluid as Lost Circulation Pills

Majid Sajjadian1, Ehsan Esmaeilpour Motlagh1, Ali Akbar Daya2

1.Research Institute of Petroleum Industry Tehran, Iran.
2.Assistant Professor, department of mining engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan.

Citation : Majid Sajjadian, Ehsan Esmaeilpour Motlagh, Ali Akbar Daya, Laboratory Investigation to Use Lost Circulation Material in Water Base Drilling Fluid as Lost Circulation Pills International Journal of Mining Science 2016, 2(1) : 33-38


The increase of the demand of oil and also the price causes research in inventing new technology such as non-damaging lost circulation pills (LCP) to produce more oil with less cost. Optimizing the LCP compositions to stop the lost circulation effectively and also protect the production zone from liquid and solids invasion significantly. Key parameters include of Shape, particle size distribution and concentration of the lost circulation materials (LCM) are necessary to determine the effectiveness of LCP.In this study, the Permeability Plugging Apparatus (PPA) is used to evaluate effectiveness of sized calcium carbonates in different concentrations to cure the lost circulation. Ceramic disks with nominal pore sizes 20, 35, 60 microns, are used to simulate lost circulation zones. Spurt loss and filtrate volume are primary parameters to be evaluated in this research.

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