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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications
Volume 4, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 1-9

Stereotyping in Consumer Culture: An Analysis of Representing Gender Stereotypical Roles of Women in Television Advertising in Pakistan

Sana Ali

Mphil Mass Communication, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakisthan.

Citation : Sana Ali, Stereotyping in Consumer Culture: An Analysis of Representing Gender Stereotypical Roles of Women in Television Advertising in Pakistan International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications 2018, 4(4) : 1-9.


This study sought to evaluate the representation of stereotypical gender roles in Pakistan's electronic media advertising with a focus on television channels as the main variables of this study. Media is the fourth pillar of state and, considered as a source of altering perceptions, attitudes and, convictions of people in a large complex societal system. Independent variable of the study is based on six leading entertainment channels in Pakistan which were conscripted for data gathering. Further data is prorated into three categories which are: Food and beverages, telecommunication and, household products. Each selected television channel displayed a candid number of related advertisements. Results are displayed in the form of frequencies and total percentages by using cross tabulation method. For hypothesis testing procedure, Chisquare test is applied by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results of the study showed that there is no potent relationship between television advertising and, stereotypical gender roles of women in Pakistan thus, the null hypothesis is retained. The study recommends that, despite there is no tenacious relationship between our postulated variables still, stereotyping does exist. Consumer culture represents both men and women in a stereotyped manner especially, women are portrayed as submissive, subordinated, silent and passive. Media as an integral part of our society should not portray men and women in a way that can limit countless possibilities for any section of our society.

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