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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 14-26

Content Analysis of Whatsapp Conversations: An Analytical Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Whatsapp Application in Karachi

Sana Shahid

The researcher is currently enrolled in PhD program at University of Karachi and teaching as an Adjunct faculty member at a leading private media institute of Karachi, Pakistan

Citation : Sana Shahid, Content Analysis of Whatsapp Conversations: An Analytical Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Whatsapp Application in Karachi International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications 2018, 4(1) : 14-26


WhatsApp application has recently emerged as a substitute of SMS in developing countries. It includes a variety of functions such as sharing live location, files, video, audio and text messages to any part of the world. The increasing trend of WhatsApp messenger as an innovative communication application in the metropolitan city Karachi is a matter of newer subject of interest that needs evaluation and research based understanding. It generates huge volume of data which has not yet been researched thoroughly in Pakistan. Therefore, the present study was conducted with an aim to analyze the WhatsApp of WhatsApp conversations. It also aimed at exploring the frequency and composition of WhatsApp users along with usage and nature of their conversations. The research methodology includes quantitative and qualitative data. In this regard, a total of 50 private and group conversations of 15 days were collected from 25 students and 25 professionals. The quantitative data was analyzed through python programming language. It was discovered that a total number of 66,327 messages, 869,404 words and 6163 media files were sent by 2,023 WhatsApp users in 30 days. It was also discovered that students are using WhatsApp more than Professionals. Furthermore, standard word formation process was also observed. It was also discovered that both students and professionals use WhatsApp to achieve their academic and business goals. They use WhatsApp to build their interpersonal relationships. It's also a source of entertainment for them. It is concluded that it is indispensible to revolutionize and adopt the latest technology in order to dilute the emerging challenges in Pakistan.

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