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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2017, Page No: 10-13

Facebook Campaigning: Political Presentations and the Electronic Word-Of-Mouth based on a Functional Approach

Chi Ying Chen,Shao Liang Chang

1.Information Communication, Asia Universit.
2.Business Administration, Asia University.

Citation :Chi Ying Chen,Shao Liang Chang, Facebook Campaigning: Political Presentations and the Electronic Word-Of-Mouth based on a Functional Approach International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications 2017,3(3) : 10-13


This research utilized a functional approach of campaign communication discourse and political visual images to analyze the political presentations by textual and visual information on Facebook and the influence on electronic word-of-mouth by likes and shares. Results revealed that candidates employ a safe strategies. They emphasize on policy more than character and on acclaiming more than attacking and defending. They are inclined to apply gender stereotype resistance because the female candidate tends to present herself in a masculine and reasonable way by utilizing more argumentative images for character issues. The male candidate tends to show himself in a feminine and soft way by employing more emotional visual symbols. The female candidate messages achieve the largest number of 'like' and 'share'.

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