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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 1-10

On Transition from the Second Industrial Revolution to the Fourth one

Oleg N. Yanitsky

Prof., Dr. of Sciences (Philosophy), Chief Researcher, the Federal Research Sociological Center of Russian academy of sciences,Russia.

Citation :Oleg N. Yanitsky ,On Transition from the Second Industrial Revolution to the Fourth one International Journal of Media, Journalism and Mass Communications ,2017;3(2):1-10.


The article examines main shifts in global situation in the period of 1960-2000s years through the lenses of transition from the Second industrial revolution to the Fourth one. An underlying idea of the study is to trace the shifts in all substantial spheres of human activity ranging from mode of production and consumption to the means of peaceful and armed struggle between national and global stakeholders for resources and geopolitical domination. I realize that such approach is rather schematic and partial but I see necessary to sketch an overall picture of global trends during the above period and to compare their mutual interdependence. Given analysis confirms the viewpoint of those leading global researchers who state that the ongoing changes have an all-embracing and all-penetrating character. That is the technological innovations and integrative socio-technological systems exert an impact on all spheres of life of humanity, including their tempo-rhythms. At the same time, in spite of the above changes humanity continues to behave as a biological species. In order to embrace these multi-sided transformations the humanitarians, media designers and journalists should to maintain problem-oriented and interdisciplinary approaches. The article concludes that the emergence of virtual society generated by the Fourth industrial revolution is Janus like: it simultaneously provides both the unique opportunities for humans and deadly threats. The further the more modern society will be governed by media-constructed information flows.

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