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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 13-19

The Influence of Bait on the Fishing of Sakuda(Lethrinidae Family) Using Fishing Line

Julius Mose Rahaningmas1, Meiksyana Raynold Renjaan2

1.Department of Technology of Fishery Products Prodi Management of Capture Fishery Engineering, Poltek Tual, 97611, Maluku, Indonesia.
2.Department of Fishery Product Technology Prodi Fishery Agribusiness, PoltekTual, 97611, Maluku, Indonesia.

Citation : Julius Mose Rahaningmas, Meiksyana Raynold Renjaan, The Influence of Bait on the Fishing of Sakuda(Lethrinidae Family) Using Fishing Line International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 2018, 4(1) : 13-19.


In the Kei archipelago, Southeast Maluku there are many Sakuda fish (lethrinidae family) so it requires accurate analysis to increase productivity.The effectiveness and productivity of sakuda fish catch (lethrinidae family) is strongly influenced by bait and time. The types of bait used are crab, rice, anchovy and wheat flour. The objectives of the study were 1) to determine the types of baits that were faster to catch the fish sakuda and 2) to determine the most effective time to catch of sakuda fish large quantities. The research method used is comparative descriptive analysis to see the difference of fishing time. While statistical analysis of ANOVA Completely Randomized Design (RAL) was used to see the effect of bait type on catch amount. This research was conducted for 24 days in Watdek waters, Kei Islands, Southeast Maluku. The results showed that more crab bait catch sakuda fish (family lethrinidae) that is 212 tail or 54%. The best time for sakuda fishing operation (lethrinidae family) is at 14.00-16.00 pm as much as 206 tail or 52%.

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