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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries
Volume-1 Issue-1, 2015, Page No: 30-37

Trapping Survey for the Red Frog Crabs (Ranina Ranina) Using the Baited Tangle Nets and Pots in Offshore Tanegashima, Japan

Ahmadi1*, Ikeda Satoshi2, Sasaki Sho2

1.Training Center for Marine and Fisheries, The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries. Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur Mina Bahari Building III Jakarta Indonesia
2.Shimoarata, Kagoshima city, Japan

Citation : Ahmadi, Ikeda Satoshi, Sasaki Sho, Trapping Survey for the Red Frog Crabs (Ranina Ranina) Using the Baited Tangle Nets and Pots in Offshore Tanegashima, Japan International Journal of Innovative Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries . 2015;1(1):30-37.


The trial operation of the baited tangle nets and pots were done to sample the red frog crab (Ranina ranina) from offshore Tanegashima, Japan. The baited tangle nets were made of PA nylon multifilament with five different mesh sizes (37.8mm, 50.5mm, 75.8mm, 97.0mm and 121.2 mm of). The pots were made of PE nylon multifilament with 15mm mesh size. Both traps were attached at 5m intervals along the line randomly and were lowered onto the seabed for about 5-hr soak time before being taken. A total of 96 crabs R. ranina consisted of 61 males (64%) and 35 females (36%) was caught primarily with the baited tangle nets. The size frequency of males and females was ranged from 67.2 to 138.5mm and from 50.4 to 128.6mm respectively. In term of foraging behavior, males were more abundant in this area. The CPUE for the baited tangle nets was ranged from 2.8 ± 0.58 to 5.4 ± 2.41. The number of the legal-sized crabs ( 93mm) was half time higher than undersized crabs (< 93mm), and most of them were males. The use of a larger mesh size seems to prevent the crabs from further damage and is optimal with respect to clearing-time and escapement of the juvenile crab from the nets. None of R. ranina was found in the pots.

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