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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 1-8

Model of the Dynamics Insulin-Glucose

D. Rodriguez1, M. Lacort2, R. Ferreira1, S. Sanchez1, E. Rodrigues2, Z. Ribeiro2, A. I. Ruiz2

1.Faculty of Mathematics and Computing, University of the East, University of the State of the Amazon.
2.Faculty of Mathematics and Computing, Federal University of the Amazon.

Citation: D. Rodriguez,, Model of the Dynamics Insulin-Glucose International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2018, 5(4) : 1-8


In the present work a study of the dynamics of insulin-glucose is performed for both a healthy person and a patient who has already contracted diabetes; The different types of diabetes are indicated as well as the symptoms that characterize it. The models that simulate the insulin-glucose dynamics for a healthy person are presented, and later the corresponding changes are made to simulate the process in a diabetic; The system is simplified in correspondence with the critical case considered, if a qualitative study of the system of equations is made and conclusions are made regarding the future behavior of the disease.

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