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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2016, Page No: 23-32

Biosensors: A Comprehensive Review and Its Role in Cancer Treatment

Shashikant Patil1, Chinmaya Vyas1

1.Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from the SVKM'S NMIMS, shirpur, India.

Citation : Shashikant Patil,Chinmaya Vyas, Biosensors: A Comprehensive Review and Its Role in Cancer Treatment International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2016, 3(3) : 23-32


The paper gives a brief outline regarding cancer and different types of cancers, their symptoms and the area of the body that is affected by them. The paper also gives an overview regarding biosensors their rudimentary characteristics and the abridgment between biosensor and cancer treatment. The different types of biosensors and their utility in different environments and conditions gives us cutting edge in terms of cancer treatment. Biosensors have indeed brought a revolution in the field of medical diagnosis and continue to affect the world with their unique characteristics and utility.

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