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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 3, Issue 3, 2016, Page No: 1-9

Mobile Application Accelerated by Cloud Based Systems

Hira Arshad1, Muqaddas Naz1, Madiha Arshad1

1.Fatima Jinnah Women University The Mall Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Citation : Hira Arshad,Muqaddas Naz,Madiha Arshad, Mobile Application Accelerated by Cloud Based Systems International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2016, 3(3) : 1-9


Networking process, phone sensor like GPS reading, these mobile applications is much expensive in references of energy and due to this, mobile phone not much able to provide better mobile services to the user due to this embedded sensor. In order to provide better mobile application high capacity for computation is required and developer of mobile find many difficulties in the development of mobile application. These application demands for high capacity also restrict the mobile developers. In the previous years, these problems has focused by different researcher by using the technique of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a way of computing different mobile application whereas the applications have delivered like a services over the hardware, internet and software. To increase the use of mobile computing it is difficult due to problems of mobility and disconnectivity. Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is a way that solves such problems by enhancing mobile application. MCC is a mixture of mobile computing, cloud computing & wireless network that is use to bring resources to network operator, users of mobile & providers of cloud computing.

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