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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015, Page No: 1-7

Realization of Fixed Angle Rotation for Co-Ordinate Rotation Digital Computer

G. Renuka1, M. Sandhya Rani2

1.PG Scholar, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Intell Engineering College, Anantapuramu. AP, India
2.Associate Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Intell Engineering College, Anantapuramu, AP, India

Citation : G. Renuka,M.Sandhya Rani, Realization of Fixed Angle Rotation for Co-Ordinate Rotation Digital Computer International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2015, 2(1) : 1-7


Rotation of vectors through fixed and known angles has wide applications in robotics, digital signal processing, graphics, games, and animation. But, we do not find any optimized coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) design for vector-rotation through specific angles. Therefore, in this paper, we present optimization schemes and CORDIC circuits for fixed and known rotations with different levels of accuracy. For reducing the area- and time-complexities, we have proposed a hardwired pre-shifting scheme in barrel-shifters of the proposed circuits. Two dedicated CORDIC cells are proposed for the fixedangle rotations. In one of those cells, micro-rotations and scaling are interleaved, and in the other they are implemented in two separate stages. Pipelined schemes are suggested further for cascading dedicated single-rotation CORDIC units for high-throughput and reduced latency implementations. We have the optimized set of micro-rotations for fixed and known angles. The derived optimized scale-factors from a set of micro rotations and dedicated shift-add circuits are used to implement the scaling. We have synthesized the proposed CORDIC cells using Xilinx field programmable gate array platform and shown that the proposed design offer higher throughput and less area-delay product than the reference CORDIC design for fixed and known angles of rotation.

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