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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 1, Issue 5, 2014, Page No: 42-46

Wireless Energy Meter Using Handheld Reader

Sunkari Umarani1, N.Hathiram2

1.PG Scholar, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vignan Institute of technology and science, Telangana, India.
2.Assistant Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vignan Institute of technology and science, Telangana, India.

Citation : Sunkari Umarani, N.Hathiram, Wireless Energy Meter Using Handheld Reader International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2014, 1(5) : 42-46


The paper proposes an innovative design to develop a system based on Embedded micro controller that is used for monitoring the voltage and current of a certain load in a home, industries or substations. By analysing the values we can design a perfect models to protect the system from the rise in mentioned parameters. Here the system measures the Voltage and current values of a load with the help of Current transformer (current sensor) and potential transformer.the measured values will be displayed on LCD, and we can also log the details in to the Personal computer wirelesly using Zigbee protocol.The ultimate objective is to monitor the electrical parameters continuously and hence to guard the burning of loads due to the constraints such as overload and input high voltage. If any of these values increases beyond the limit then the system gives the alert and entire unit is shut down by the designed controlling unit.

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