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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 1, Issue 4, 2014, Page No: 12-16

Android in-Vehicle Infotainment System

Gaurav Jaiswal

Department of MCA, MIT Aurangabad, India.

Citation : Gaurav Jaiswal, Android in-Vehicle Infotainment System International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2014, 1(4) : 12-16


In this modern age automotive industries are changing and updating in rapid ways as in term of engine performance and in terms of safety, economic and efficient way of transport. In this paper we are proposing an idea to build low cost car infotainment system based on android. These would help user to drive safely and efficiently. The infotainment system will run on ARM SOC with special in modified UI and api as per automotive software requirement. This system will get input from various hardware and sensors like accelerometer, proximity, OBD, temperature, humidity sensor, TPMS etc, with GPS and internet service ready. This system will be built fewer than 15 thousand rupees which will give features of luxury car to mid-low range of vehicle. This system will be based on open source android with third party application support. This system will also provide vehicle tracking, monitoring and diagnosis from remote location.

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