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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 1, Issue 3, 2014, Page No: 1-7

Programmable Digital Bio-Impedance Measurement System

Shreeyog Nimkar1, D.K.Kamat2, P.M. Patil3

1.Dept of E & TC RMD Sinhgad Technical Institutes Campus, Warje, Pune, India.
2.Asst Prof, Dept of E & TC, Sinhgad Academy of Engineering Pune and Research Scholar, SCOE, Pune, India.
3.Director RMD Sinhgad Technical Institutes Campus Warje, Pune, India.

Citation : Shreeyog Nimkar, D.K.Kamat, P.M. Patil, Programmable Digital Bio-Impedance Measurement System International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2014, 1(3) : 1-7


The field programmable gate array is the fastest growing technology. The bio-impedance measurement system is implemented in reconfigurable field programmable gate array hardware. The design of bio-impedance measurement system using Xilinx system generator is more convenient and cheaper for revising, if the Bio-impedance measurement system requires parameters changes in practical use, since no new hardware device is needed to make revise. The presented system is time saving, fast, adjustable system parameter and easy to use.

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