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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2014, Page No: 51-58

2x2 STC with Full Rate and Full Diversity for Mobile WiMAX

M.Prathap (M.Tech1), Mrs.J.Sofia Priya Dharshini2

2.Associate Professor (E.C.E), R.G.M.C.E.T,Nandyal

Citation : M.Prathap,J.Sofia Priya Dharshini, 2x2 STC with Full Rate and Full Diversity for Mobile WiMAX International Journal of Innovative Research in Electronics and Communications 2014, 1(1) : 51-58


The 2 * 2 MIMO profiles included in Mobile WiMAX specifications are Alamouti's space-time code (STC) for transmit diversity and spatial multiplexing (SM). The former has full diversity and the latter has full rate, but neither of them has both of these desired features. An alternative 2*2 STC, which is both full rate and full diversity, is the Golden code. It is the best known 2*2 STC, but it has a high decoding complexity. Recently, the attention was turned to the decoder complexity, this issue was included in the STC design criteria, and different STCs were proposed. In this thesis, a full-rate full-diversity 2 * 2 STC design leading to substantially lower complexity of the optimum detector compared to the Golden code with only a slight performance loss. We provide the general optimized form of this STC and show that this scheme achieves the diversitymultiplexing frontier for square QAM signal constellations. Then, we present a variant of the proposed STC, which provides a further decrease in the detection complexity with a rate reduction of 25% and show that this provides an interesting trade-off between the Alamouti scheme and SM.

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