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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture
Volume-2 Issue-1, 2016, Page No: 15-18

Evaluation of Isolates of Rhyzoctonia Solani & Fusarium Oxysporum on Sugar Beet under Field Conditions

Krasimira Tanova, Svilen Raykov

“Episkop Konstantin Preslavski” University of Shumen – Shumen

Citation : Krasimira Tanova, Svilen Raykov, Evaluation of Isolates of Rhyzoctonia Solani & Fusarium Oxysporum on Sugar Beet under Field Conditions International Journal of Forestry and Horticulture . 2016;2(1):15-18.


Root decay during the sugar beet vegetation appears periodically in the area of distribution of this culture and the most common consequences of this are greatly lowered productivity and quality, which is an economic risk to the industry (Tanova, 2003). Diseases of the root system of the crop, incl. the roots of beet are from ecological-microbial type. They are considered as a pathological syndrome, a combination of several pathogen and the most common are soil-dwelling microorganisms possessing the necessary pathological activity (Naidenov and Nechev, 2001).

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