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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 58-68

Fragility and Resilience Curves of an Urbanised Sector in the District of Naples

Antonio Formisano1,Nicola Chieffo2,Marius Mosoarca3

1.University of Naples "Federico II" Piazzale Tecchio Naples (Italy)
2.Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara Traian Lalescu Street, Timisoara (Romania)

Citation :Antonio Formisano,Nicola Chieffo,Marius Mosoarca, Fragility and Resilience Curves of an Urbanised Sector in the District of Naples International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering 2017,3(2) : 58-68


In the current paper, the RISK-UE quick method for vulnerability evaluation of an urban sector of Marigliano, a municipality in the district of Naples, has been applied. This paper aims at defining, starting from the seismic vulnerability analysis of the urban area analysed, a method to investigateits urban resilience by developing appropriate behaviouralcurves, that describe the attitude of the urban system to recover from possible seismic events that should occur in the inspected site. The vulnerability analysis results showed that for modest seismic intensities, buildings show a very slight damage level, whereas for high grade earthquakes almost all buildings should collapse. Moreover, from resilience analyses, it is noticed that the resilience probability expected values for typological classes of the investigated sector tend to decrease especially for buildings made of low-quality masonry

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