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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2017, Page No: 1-33

Lowering Operations of Large Steel Structures: Numerical Simulation & Guidelines for a Safe Procedure

D.Lepikson Oliveir.PhD1*, F.Rubin1, M.B.Pinheiro1,D.C.Braga1, L.F.S.Macedo2,R.S.Macedo2,N.Szilard Galgoul.Dr.Ing.3,A.R.Sarabi. MSc.13

1.ODEBRECHT Engenharia & Construcao Internacional - Engenharia Industrial, R.Lemos Monteiro 120,12oandar, CEP 05501-050 - Butanta, Sao Paulo-SP,Brazil.
2.EMASA Engenharia Ltda.R.Petit Carneiro 1122,cj.501,CEP 80240-130 - Agua Verde,Curitiba-PR,Brazil.
3.NSG Engenharia, Projetos e Representacao Comercial Ltda.R.Visconde de Inhauma 134, Grupo 405,CEP 20091-901 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ,Brazil.

Citation :D.Lepikson Oliveir. PhD,, Lowering Operations of Large Steel Structures: Numerical Simulation & Guidelines for a Safe Procedure International Journal of Constructive Research in Civil Engineering 2017,3(2) : 1-33


Lowering operations (or removal of temporary propping) are usually required as part of the assembling process of large steel structures under construction, in order to release them from the temporary supports, which represents the final step of the erection phase. This paper is dedicated to the study of this delicate engineering operation, covering two distinct approaches for the solution of the problem and addressing both the design and the execution phases. Indeed, two simple numerical models are proposed herein for the required structural analyses, so as to allow the check of compliance of the structure with the safety requirements prescribed by applicable standards for this transient phase, both for the structure itself, as well as for the temporary supports (in most cases, steel towers are used for this purpose). Additionally, an itemized procedure, aiming the achievement of a safe operation at the construction site, is also outlined. Two examples of successful operations, for which the proposed techniques were applied, are finally presented.

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