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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019, Page No: 1-6

Rationale of Aceclofenac in Management of Pyrexia in Paediatric Practice

Dr Avinash Shankar1*, Dr Amresh Shankar2, Dr Anuradha Shankar3

1.MBBS(MGIMS);MD(Internal Medicine);DNB(E&M);PhD, Postgraduate in Endocrinology & Metabolism (AIIMS Delhi), Chairman, National Institute of Health & Research, Warisaliganj (Nawada) Bihar India
2.BAMS(BRABU);MHA, Director (Hon), AarogyamPunarjeevan, Ram Bhawan, Ara Garden Road,Jagdeopath,Baily Road, Patna14
3.BAMS (BRABU), Ex Director, Centre for Indigenous Medicine & Research, Senior Research Fellow, Regional Institute of Ayurveda Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh

Citation : Avinash Shankar, Amresh Shankar, Anuradha Shankar, Rationale of Aceclofenac in Management of Pyrexia in Paediatric Practice International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2019, 5(1) : 1-6


Pyrexia, a complex physiological response triggered by infection or aseptic stimuli causes increase in Prostaglandin E2(PGE2)concentration in brain and later firing rate of neurones of thermoregulatory centre i.e. Hypothalamus.

Majority attendance at paediatrician chamber are of children with pyrexia of varied origin and to calm the temperature at optimal level various therapeutics are in vogue but attendance of children with antipyretics adversity presenting as morbidity and mortality necessitated an evaluation of presenting hazards with consuming antipyretics.

Objective of Study: Analyse the rationality of Aceclofenac paracetamol combination, as antipyretics in paediatric practice.

Material and Methods: analysis of datasheet of patients admitted with antipyretics adversity at Centre for Children Disease & Research.

Result: children consuming Aceclofenac Sodium Paracetamol presented with grave status of prolonged hypothermia, CNS disturbances like Dizziness, Convulsion,coma in addition to more pronounced other presentation like persistant vomiting, haematemesis, blood dyscariasis, rash, albuminuria than other.

Conclusion: Acceclofenac sodium Paracetamol combination must be restricted for paediatrics use considering its dreaded outcome.

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