Some Natural Plants in Glycemic Amelioration in Streptozotocin Induced Rats
Fatma Farag Abdel Hamid1,Dawoud Fakhary Habib2,Nadia A. Mohamed2*,Marwa Glal El-deen1,Asem Metwally Abo Shanab3,Rabab Abdel Wahab4
Citation :Fatma Farag Abdel Hamid,, Some Natural Plants in Glycemic Amelioration in Streptozotocin Induced Rats International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2017,3(2) : 18-27
This work was done to study the effect of black and green coffee and cinnamon separately or together in double or triple combinations on the level of glucose and insulin in control and diabetic rats, to emphasize the effect of black and green coffee and cinnamon separately or together in hypolipidemia in control and diabetic rats. The study focused to deduce the better methods of herbal treatment comparison between treatments alone or by mixing herbs together. The statistical analysis of the results showed that insulin, Insulin sensitivity and HDL were increased in triple combination treated groups than double combination than single treated groups. In contrast, Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglyceride and HOMA IR were decreased in triple combination treated groups than double combination than single treated groups. Our study recommend using the triple combination treatment by cinnamon, green and black coffee due to it is the best group that acts as anti-hyperglycaemia, antihyperlipidemia and antioxidant effect