Cholelithiasis and Ayurveda
Dr.Avinash Shankar1,Dr Amresh Shankar2,Dr Anuradha Shankar3
Citation :Dr.Avinash Shankar,Dr Amresh Shankar,Dr Anuradha Shankar, Cholelithiasis and Ayurveda International Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2017,3(1) : 33-39
Cholelithiasis in female is increasing rampantly among obese1,2, hyperlipidemic and hypo functioning thyroid women who undergone tube ligation or hysterectomy may be synergized by increasing toxic non nutrients in diet and changed life style, Common surgical preference Cholecystectomy and Choledochotomy though relieve the agonizing pain but alter digestion permanently which predisposes for the continuance of the presentation like heaviness in the abdomen, heart burn ,eructation ,lethargy, bowel irregularity in spite of dietary restriction.
Placebo based control study to evaluate a herbomineral composit in 216 cases affirm its worth in relieving clinical presentation and USG confirmation in majority cases with grade I clinical response while control group shows only transient symptomatic relief. 3 years post therapy follow up and dietary restriction with maintenance dose of 1 pill daily , non had any bowel irregularity or any evident cholelithiasis or hyperlipidemia.