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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 5, Issue 6, 2018, Page No: 35-45

Quasinuclear Foundation for the Expansion of Quantum Mechanics

S.V. Ordin

Ioffe Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.

Citation : S.V. Ordin, Quasinuclear Foundation for the Expansion of Quantum Mechanics International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2018, 5(6) : 35-45.


The general methodology of the scientific approach [1] allows us to expand the boundaries of modern concepts. For this, as demonstrated by the example of thermoelectricity [2, 3], it is necessary to move towards expanding the phenomenology of the phenomenon, moving from primitive, noninvariant models to elementary ones, but correctly describing the phenomenon in the first approximation, and not at the expense of numerous corrections. And how to expand the boundaries of modern quantum mechanical representations shows Einstein's formulation: "Some equations of classical mechanics allow rewriting in a quantummechanical form" [4] - it is necessary to begin with the correction of the basic classical model.

The Schrodinger equation is based on a primitive one-electron model of the hydrogen atom and, accordingly, is limited only by its primitive eigenvalues and radial solutions giving s, p, d, and f orbitals. The triumphant description of this model of the whole periodic table of Mendeleyev and the chemical bond [5] became the basis for its canonization into the foundation of quantum mechanics. As Nobel laureate Bob Laughlin said at a lecture in St. Petersburg: "Any quantum-mechanical problem is a solution to the Schrodinger equation" [6]. Then this equation correctly describes only one particular case. And we must pass to elementary classical models giving their eigenvalues and to make them rewrite in the operator form, and not to be limited to primitive models having similar solutions [7] on the basis of a harmonic oscillator [8].

Logarithmic relativity [3, 9] gives a general understanding of why a primitive model of a hydrogen atom is applicable to many-electron atoms - purely qualitatively it describes the energy levels of the electron shell as a whole (rather than the outer electron shell, as it is supposed). However, with an increase in the atomic number, a catastrophic quantitative divergence in the energy of the absolute values of the upper electronic levels measured experimentally and the hydrogen-like atom obtained from the model is observed [10]. In this case, the orbital of individual external electron shells obtained from the Schrodinger model do not correspond in any way to either atomic or crystalline orbitals. This, in fact, required the introduction to them of both relativistic corrections, and their hybridization.

Empirically introduced hybridized orbitals in the first approximation, poorly, and sometimes simply incorrectly describe the physical properties of crystals [11]. Starting from bare empiricism, naturally, the theory could not predict the nano-state of matter [12]. And as shown by the analysis of C & BN [13], hybridized orbitals actually substitute the first approximation of quantum mechanical solutions. A quantitative analysis of the catastrophic discrepancies between the hydrogen-like model and experimental data was carried out within the framework of a semiempiricalquasinuclear model. He showed that the description of many-electron atoms requires not only correction of hybridized orbitals, but a cardinal correction of the basic model - a transition from a primitive model of the hydrogen atom to an elementary model of a carbon atom is required. Moreover, the quasinuclear analysis performed makes it possible to refine, supplement and extend the Schrodinger model both in terms of the eigenvalues of the electron energy and in terms of bringing the symmetry of the radial solutions into correspondence with the number of external electrons.

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