Development of an Environmental Radon Monitoring System Using CR-39 Nuclear Track Detectors
Abdolkazem Ansarinejad1*, Pejman Altafi2
Citation : Abdolkazem Ansarinejad, Pejman Altafi, Development of an Environmental Radon Monitoring System Using CR-39 Nuclear Track Detectors International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2018, 5(11) : 24-30
An environmental radon monitoring system, comprising a radon-chamber, an etching system, and
a track counting system, was constructed. The radon chamber is a detector chamber with an internal
diameter of58mm and a height of20mmin combination with a CR-39 detector. Carbon is impregnated in the
bodies of the detector chamber to avoid problem of an electrostatic charge. The optimized etching condition
for the CR-39 exposed to a radon environment turned out to be a 6.25 N,NaOH solution at 70°C during a
7hours' period. According to the calculations, the dosimeter can detect minimum Radon concentration equal
to 18.66Bq.m-3 after 30 days. The bulk etch rate under the optimized condition was 1.14±0.03 μm h-1. The
diameter of the tracks caused by radon and its progeny were found to be in the range of 10~25 μm under the
optimized condition. The track images were observed with a track counting system, which consisted of an
optical microscope, a color charged couple device (CCD) camera, and an image processor. The calibration
factor of this system is obtained to be 0.105 ± 0.006 tracks cm-2 per Bq m-3 d.
The calibration factor for optimized conditions was gained150 (