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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 5, Issue 10, 2018, Page No: 13-23

The Lensing Effect a Proof of Large Scale Entanglement in Holographic CFTs

Stefan Mehedinteanu

CITON - Center of Technology and Engineering for Nuclear Projects, Atomistilor no. 409, BucharestMagurele,Romania.

Citation : Stefan Mehedinteanu, The Lensing Effect a Proof of Large Scale Entanglement in Holographic CFTs International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2018, 5(10) : 13-23.


Many experimental works at small scale (photons, electrons, etc.) try to confirm the entanglement, in this work we will show that the Einstein ring could be a such proof of entanglement but at very large scale (cosmic objects), when, due of a QCD operation (Sc hwinger effect) inside nucleons is infused in quantum a flux of energy (pulse) that corresponds to stress-energy tensor onto attached nucleons either as of n-sheeted Riemann surfaces glued to the boundaries (CFT), or as by the magnetic flux lines (bit threads) of fluxoids type there producing a strain of space -the lensing effect. This approach is tested on light lensing around objects (Earth).

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