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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science
Volume 4, Issue 9, 2017, Page No: 19-37

N-Order Rational Solutions to the Johnson Equation Depending on 2N-2 Parameter

P. Gaillard

Universite de Bourgogne, Institut de mathematiques de Bourgogne, 9 avenue Alain Savary BP 47870, Dijon Cedex, France.

Citation :P. Gaillard,N-Order Rational Solutions to the Johnson Equation Depending on 2N-2 Parameter International Journal of Advanced Research in Physical Science 2017,4(9) : 19-37.


We construct rational solutions of order N depending on 2N-2 parameters. They can be written as a quotient of 2 polynomials of degree 2N(N+1) in x, t and 2N(N+1) in y depending on 2N-2 parameters. We explicitly construct the expressions of the rational solutions of order 4 depending on 6 real parameters and we study the patterns of their modulus in the plane (x,y) and their evolution according to time and parameters a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3.

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