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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume 5, Issue 9, 2018, Page No: 18-22

Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Soil and Fertilizer Treatment on Winter Wheat Cultivation

prof. RAE. Z.H. Aliyev

Institute of Erosion and Irrigation NAS of Azerbaijan.

Citation : RAE. Z.H. Aliyev, Comparative Evaluation of the Effects of Soil and Fertilizer Treatment on Winter Wheat Cultivation International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science 2018, 5(9) : 18-22


Resource-saving technologies in soil cultivation are the most promising methods of land use, developed in our time. In this experiment, winter wheat was studied, the yield of which was directly related to the cultivation of soil and the application of organic and mineral fertilizers. In the complex of agrotechnical measures that contribute to the high yields of food grain of winter wheat, fertilizers have a leading role. We, skillfully using fertilizers, tried to improve the quality of grain, increasing its protein content, gluten content and technological properties. The positive effect of fertilizers on plants of winter wheat is manifested only in well-cultivated soils with a reaction of the environment close to neutral. The article presents the results of research on the effect of soil cultivation and fertilizers on the yield of winter wheat in the Ganja-Gazakh region of Azerbaijan. The purpose of our research is to study methods of soil and fertilizer cultivation, improvement of the soil fertility and winter wheat cultivation technology, which provides higher yield and quality of grain in the Ganja-Gazakh zone of Azerbaijan. On the basis of these studies, we find the best yields and quality of winter wheat and soil fertility restoration of the grain on a gray-brown long-irrigated soils of this area, we recommend the traditional farms (loosening of 20-22 cm ) and minimum tillage, using fertilizer year normal manure 10t / ha + N90P90K60. As a result, the production of the two recommended treatments and soil cultivation rate of fertilizer, except in 3 years minimum.

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