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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume 5, Issue 6, 2018, Page No: 15-19

Study on Catalysed Oxidation of Some Aliphatic Hydroxy Acids by N-chlorosuccinimide in Aqueous Acetic Acid Medium

Nusrat Baby Khan1, Arvind Prasad Dwivedi1, Khushboo Khan1, H. P. Dwivedi1

1.Department of Chemistry, S.G.S. Govt. P.G. (Autonomous) College, Sidhi-486661 (M.P.) India.

Citation : Nusrat Baby Khan,, Study on Catalysed Oxidation of Some Aliphatic Hydroxy Acids by N-chlorosuccinimide in Aqueous Acetic Acid Medium International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science 2018, 5(6) : 15-19


The phosphotungustic acid catalysed oxidation of aliphatic hydroxy acids by halo -oxidant Nchlorosuccinide (NCS) in aqueous acetic acid lead to the formation of corresponding acetone di-carboxylic acid and acetaldehyde. The reaction follows first to zero order kinetic with respect to [NCS] and rate unchanged by hydrogen ion. The rate of oxidation retards with decrease in dielectric constant of solvent. The study showed curvature due to of complex formation between substrates and postulated species HOCl of oxidant. The stoichiometric ratio 1:1 was determined for the reactions. The correlation between enthalpies and free energies of activation is reasonably linear. A suitable mechanism in conformity with kinetics results was proposed.

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