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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume 5, Issue 4, 2018, Page No: 15-16

Influx of Bis 2 Amino Pyridinium Maleate with Acetone

K SenthilKannan

Dean R&D, Vice Principal & Research Scientist, Edayathangudy G.S Pillay Arts and Science College, Nagapattinam 611002 TN India

Citation : K SenthilKannan, Influx of Bis 2 Amino Pyridinium Maleate with Acetone International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science 2018, 5(4) : 15-16


Bis 2 Amino Pyridinium Maleate (B2APM) crystals are NLO in nature and are grown by solution growth method, since NLO materials are widely used for number of variety of applications such as ease of fabricating, high stability and wide range of transparency of light; they are pro posed to be grown as the titled specimen. The single XRD data confirms that this crystal is having a as 21.760 A, b as 23.555 A, c as 5.626 A, α = β = γ = 90o and the crystal is orthorhombic in nature, Fdd2 is the space group of Bis 2 Amino Pyridinium Maleate crystals. Structure is the combination of 2C5H7N2+.C4H2O4-.

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