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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume 4, Issue 6, 2017, Page No: 1-12

Electropolishing of Carbon Steel in Presence of Some Natural Polymers under Natural and Forced Convection Conditions

Hamdy.F.M.El-shamy1,Y.A.Aggour2,Mervette El-batouti3,A.M.Ahmed4

1.Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, Egypt
2.Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt

Citation :Hamdy.F.M.El-shamy,, Electropolishing of Carbon Steel in Presence of Some Natural Polymers under Natural and Forced Convection Conditions International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science 2017,4(6) : 1-12


The effect of some natural polymers on the rate of electropolishing of carbon steel in phosphoric acid was studied by measuring the limiting current of its anodic dissolution. It is found that the rate of electropolishing increased by decreasing H3PO4 concentration and electrode height. Natural polymers were found to inhibit the process of electropolishing; the inhibition efficiency increased with increasing concentration of the investigated compounds at a fixed temperature, but decreases with increasing temperature. Values of activation energy indicate that the reaction is diffusion controlled. The adsorption isotherm Flory- Huggins and Kinetic are applied. The values of free energy of adsorption (?Gads) obtained indicate the spontaneous adsorption of the inhibitor. The overall mass transfer correlations under the present conditions were obtained using the method of dimensional analysis. The results agreed with the previous studies of mass transfer to rotating cylinder in turbulent flow. The morphology of the polished specimens was monitored using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). SEM examination of the carbon steel surface revealed that these compounds inhibited carbon steel from corrosion by adsorption on its surface to form protective film. The presence of these organic compounds on the electrode surface was confirmed by SEM investigations

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