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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-4 Issue-1, 2017, Page No: 22-26

Quality Analysis of Hydrosphear Water of Deosar Block in District Singrauli, Madhya Predesh, India

Arvind Dwivedi1, H.P.Dwivedi2, Sachchidanand Tiwari3

Department of chemistry, Govt. Sanjya Gandhi Smrati Auto P.G.College Sidhi M.P., India

Citation : Arvind Dwivedi , H.P.Dwivedi, Sachchidanand Tiwari, ©ARC Page | 22 Quality Analysis of Hydrosphear Water of Deosar Block in District Singrauli, Madhya Predesh, India International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2017;4(1):22-26.


Hydrosphere constitutes all type of water likewise oceans, seas, rivers, streams and glaciers etc. Ground water, a gift of nature, is about 210X109m3 (0.66%) including recharge through infiltration, seepage and evapotranspiration. The findings of this laboratory work to confirm ground water quality by help of water quality parameters and proposed experimental area is District-Singrauli. It is a method of check water quality, is an effective tool to assess spatial and temporal changes in ground water quality. Twelve (12) groundwater samples were collected from open areas during the Monsoon and Post Monsoon season in the year 2014. Experiment was done by considering the 12 groundwater samples collected to comprehensive physico-chemical analysis using standard parameters of experiment. Data obtained from the experiment, the water quality index was carried out by adopting the method. Water quality index rating was carried out to quantify overall ground water quality status of the area. For calculation of index, the following 9 parameters have been considered such as pH, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Hardness, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphates, Chlorides, Fluorides, and Nitrates. It may be due to more seepage and movement of ground water during post-monsoon

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