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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-3 Issue-4, 2016, Page No: 47-55

Spectroscopic and Thermal Degradation Study of Cow-Dung during Combustion and Pyrolysis

Abdul Munama*,Jahangir Ahmad Rathera, Tansir Ahamadb

a.Department of Chemistry, Sultan Qaboos University, Box 36, Al-Khod 123, Oman
b.Department of Chemistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Citation : Abdul Munam , Jahangir Ahmad Rather , Tansir Ahamad, Spectroscopic and Thermal Degradation Study of Cow-Dung during Combustion and Pyrolysis International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2016;3(4):47-55.


This study reports the analysis of gases evolved during controlled pyrolysis and combustion of cow-dung. The combined thermogravimetric (TG)/ Fourtier transform infrared (FTIR)/ mass spectrometry (MS) were employed to analyze the evolved gaseous products. The results revealed that the thermal decomposition of cow-dung occurs in three steps assigned to drying of the sample, fast thermal decomposition and further cracking. The complete combustion of cow-dung occurs at 500°C, while during pyrolysis the total weight loss of 58.91 wt.% was found at 950°C. The release of gaseous product during pyrolysis was CO2, CO, methanol, formaldehyde, formic acid, acetic acid, whereas the products during combustion were CO2, CO. Among them, CO2 was the dominant gaseous product in the whole combustion process.

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