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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-7, 2015, Page No:7-21

Synthesis Properties and Electrocatalytic Activities of Pd,Ru,Rh Nanoparticles

A.A. Revina1, M.А. Kuznetsov2, S.А. Busev1, Е.Е. Boyakov1, А.A. Mikhaylov2, А.М. Chekmarev2

1.Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry RAS
2.D.Mendeleyev Russian University of Chemical Technology Moscow, Russia, Miusskaya sc.

Citation : A.A. Revina,, Synthesis Properties and Electrocatalytic Activities of Pd,Ru,Rh Nanoparticles International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(7):7-21.


The increasing of the radiation chemistry role in the field of fundamental and applied research in modern nanotechnologies obvious and is connected with its high potential in the study of the mechanism of oxidation-reduction reactions in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems under interaction of various physical and chemical factors. Radiation chemistry has the great opportunities in the creation of nanostructured ensembles with specified properties when used the reverse micellar solutions as micro reactor. The advantage of this method is the stability of nanoparticles in a liquid phase and in the adsorbed state, the possibility to use the different physical-chemical methods for studying the properties of nanoparticles in a liquid phase: UV-VIS spectrophotometry, luminescent analysis, HPLC and photon correlation spectroscopy. The obtained results confirm – the formation, the nanoparticles stability, their evolution (under controlled and specified conditions), the functional activity not only themselves nanostructures and supramolecular ensembles, but also bimetallic particles and polymeric nanocomposite materials.

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