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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-2 Issue-1, 2015, Page No: 6-13

Preparation and Characterization Carbon Nanotubes – Chitosan Nanocomposite by Using Oil Palm Shell and Horseshoe Crab Shell

Masdania Zurairah Siregar1,2,Zul Alfian1,Harry Agusnar1, Harlem Marpaung1

1.Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science/Department of Chemistry/University of Sumatera Utara
2.Faculty of Engineering/University of Al-Azhar Medan, Medan, Indonesia
3.Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science/Department of Chemistry/ University of Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia

Citation : Masdania Zurairah Siregar,Zul Alfian,Harry Agusnar,Harlem Marpaung, Preparation and Characterization Carbon Nanotubes – Chitosan Nanocomposite by Using Oil Palm Shell and Horseshoe Crab Shell International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2015;2(1):6-13.


Preparation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) nanocomposite-chitosan can be made by using oil palm shell and horseshoe crab shell (Tachypleus gigas). For the preparation of CNTs are made by changing the oil palm shells into activated carbon, then impregnated with Fe catalyst, and then made the process of growing CNTs by pyrolysis CVD method at calcination temperature of 950 °C with a gas flow of methane and nitrogen. For the preparation of chitosan is made by changing the horseshoe crab shell to chitin through deproteinization and demineralization process, and then in deasitilasi into chitosan. Preparation of CNT-chitosan nanocomposite made by mixing CNTs with chitosan with ratio (1: 3) through the process of sonication for 4 hours, and 2.5% glutaraldehyde was added during sonication process takes place resulting in physical and chemical bonding in the nanocomposite. The results of CNT-chitosan nanocomposite preparation is characterized using XRD and FTIR. Based on test results of XRD showed that the CNTs are made of nano-sized, and the appearance of peak at 25,79° and 43,54° which means CNT has been formed, and based on test results of FT-IR show that the presence of the C=C absorption at the wave number 2344 cm-1, and based on test results of SEM showed that the morphology of CNTs were obtained in the form of small tubes of a length.

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