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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-1 Issue-8, 2014, Page No:14-21

d-RDF (Refused Derived Fuel) for SMART-CITIES of INDIA

Dr. Dharmendra C. Kothari,Prof. Prashant V. Thorat (H.O.D.)

1.Dept. of Chemical Engg. & Technology, Saint GADAGE Baba University Babulgaon (Jh.), AKOLA, Amravati Division

Citation : Dr. Dharmendra C. Kothari,Prof. Prashant V. Thorat (H.O.D.), d-RDF (Refused Derived Fuel) for SMART-CITIES of INDIA International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2014;1(8):14-21.


Densified Refuse derived fuel (d-RDF) generally refers to the product of CHEMICAL plus MECHANICAL processing of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) produce as per specific output. The current research work is the assessment of the energy available from the MSW and from the rural Village for the Self-Sustainable development of new (RDF), as a green fuel and development of the new site for MSW management. The study also entailed the Collection and Segregation of all the energy available in the villages as well as Municipal Corporations. From the study it is found that the green village as well as Municipal Corporation has considerable energy potential. The magnitude of the energy density will help in building a self, power generation villages. The energy & green fuel density will also help for the development of the green fuel at one particular village as well as at MC locations. A suitable sustainable renewable energy generation from the green fuel, system of (SITES) which was studied for the villages and for MC is also being recommended with STATE of the ART designs for sites as SMART-CITITIES projects of INDIA.

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