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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science
Volume-1 Issue-2, 2014, Page No:1-3

Development of Suitable Corrosion Inhibitor for Pipeline Corrosion

Dr. K. S. Beenakumari

Department of Chemistry, All Saints College, Thiruvananthapuram

Citation : Dr. K. S. Beenakumari, Development of Suitable Corrosion Inhibitor for Pipeline Corrosion International Journal of Advanced Research in Chemical Science. 2014;1(2):1-3.


Corrosion is a serious issue in drinking water supplies. Corrosion of pipelines in drinking water distribution system can be caused by several factors like the type of materials used, the age of piping and fittings, the stagnation time of water in the pipeline and water quality in the system. Corrosion control refers to the action of controlling the corrosion of materials used in drinking water distribution system. The present work aimed to develop a suitable corrosion inhibitor for minimizing the corrosion of pipelines used for supply of drinking water. The inhibitor selected for the study was sodium meta silicate and the inhibition efficiency is calculated based on OCP decay measurements, weight loss method and estimating the iron contamination in the solutions. The corrosion inhibition of metallic pipe (mild steel) increases with increase in concentration of the inhibitor and maximum corrosion prevention is observed when the medium contains 2000ppm of sodium meta silicate. The inhibitor adsorb on the oxidized surface of the iron leading to the formation of a passive layer which prevents further decay of the material.

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