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  DOI Prefix   10.20431


International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany
Volume 4, Issue 1, 2018, Page No: 7-13

Analysis of Gender Roles and Production Function of Small Scale Oil-Palm Processing in South-East, Nigeria

Nzeakor F.C,Umeh O.J

1.Department of Rural Sociology and Extension Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Nigeria.

Citation :Nzeakor F.C,Umeh O.J, Analysis of Gender Roles and Production Function of Small Scale Oil-Palm Processing in South-East, Nigeria International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany. 2018, 4(1) : 7-13


This work analyzed the gender roles and production function of small scale oil palm processing in south east, Nigeria. The work employed both purposive and random sampling technique in the selection of a sample size of 224 respondents half (112) of which were males and the other half females. Data were collected using questionnaire and were analyzed with analytical instrument such as descriptive statistics and log linear regression. The result from the findings showed majority (100%, 75%, and 82.1%) of the male played major role in palm fruit harvesting, softening of the fruit flesh, and pressing out of the oil respectively while the female role included cracking of nut, separation of the nuts grading of the product, and head portage where 84.7%, 89.2%, 76.3%, and 79.3 respectively played major roles. The stochastic production function showed that quantity of palm fruits, cost of processing capital employed was positively related to the output of both male and female processor. Whereas marital status is significant and positively related to production output of female, is not significant in male, and mill size is significant and positively related to the production output of males but not significant for females. The study recommended that Government and commercial banks should make Loans available and accessible to farmers to boost their capital as capital invested was seen to have a positive influence on output of the production.

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