Epimycotic Algae on the Medicinal Fungus Trametes Versicolor(L.) Lloyd
Pavel V. Videv1, Georg Gärtner2, Blagoy A. Uzunov1, Petya H. Dimitrova1, Maya P.Stoyneva-Gärtner1*
Citation :Maya P.Stoyneva-Gärtner,et.al., Epimycotic Algae on the Medicinal Fungus Trametes Versicolor(L.) Lloyd International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany 2017,3(2) : 18-26.
The paper presents the species composition of algae, which develop on the surfaces of the medicinal fungus Trametes versicolor,collected in seven different sites of Bulgaria and investigated in cultures. All ten recorded epimycotic algae belong to the green evolutionary line (Chlorophyta - 9 species and Streptophyta - 1 species).The species composition on basidiomata collected fromdifferent sites was different with number of species varying from one to five. The same is valid for the speciescomposition ondifferent fungi from the same site. Therefore, we claim the lack of symbiotic relations between one specific alga and Trametes versicolor. Taking into account the ecological preferences of the recorded algae, it is possible to suppose with much higher probability that there is a relation between the epimycotic algae and nearestaerophyticphycoflora.